Alleviating need in covid times

In these covid times the need is great, diverse and not yet over. In the last edition of our magazine we had asked you to support the ministry of our missionaries in these times, so as to enable them to meet the people around them and help in word and deed and under changed circumstances, especially where this involved an increase in expenditure.

Your readiness to help was overwhelming, and we thank you wholeheartedly for all the donations you filled our hands with, thus enabling us to pass on your support.

Some of these donations have already been made use of, as you can read in various articles in the magazine. For example, they have made it possible for food parcels to be packed for needy families, to implement preventive hygiene measures at the Afterschool children's day camps in Romania, and to hand out food and relief items free of charge at the summer outreach events in Ukraine. In Moldova, the evangelistic cleaning-agent project was initiated, and in the Caucasus needy families were provided with chickens.

As stated above, the need is not yet over, and we are grateful that, thanks to the support you have shown us, we still have some means available to help the people who our staff and missionaries are in contact with, depending on their individual needs. On our website we regularly inform you about our partners' various projects in these difficult times.